Reiki Classes
I teach all levels of Reiki. I know life is hectic, and it can be a challenge finding time for a class, so with this in mind, I offer both in-person and on-line classes, with a variety of payment and scheduling options.
My in-person Reiki classes are limited to six participants to assure that everyone gets personal attention, has their questions answered, and has plenty of practice time. Your Reiki education does not end when you walk out the door. It is just beginning, and you will most likely have questions as you begin using this wonderful energy. I offer on-going support to all my students.
While I highly recommend the group classes to give you the opportunity to connect, share experiences, discuss the material, and practice with others, I also offer private instruction for those requesting it.
I do not have any classes scheduled at this time, but if you are interested in learning, please call or text 607-895-7910, and I would be happy to schedule one.
Reiki is traditionally taught in three levels:
Level One gives you the ability to do Reiki for yourself or others. In Level Two you learn how to use the Reiki symbols, and do remote Reiki, and Level Three is the master level where you learn to teach Reiki.
Level One In-Person Class
This class gives you the ability to do hands-on Reiki for yourself and others.
(6-9 hours, depending on the number of participants) includes not only lecture, but a training manual, various handouts, instruction in technique, practice time, attunement, and, upon completion, a certificate.
Level One Class via Email
This class gives you the ability to do Reiki for yourself and others. Ideally, you might want to complete it with a friend, so you have a practice buddy! It is presented via e-mail in six parts that you can complete at your own pace. You can pay in full, or you have the option of paying as you go. I have combined reading material with practical exercises, and quizzes, to help you get the full benefit of the material, and I am available to answer any questions you may have. You will receive a training manual, plus additional material, instruction in technique, attunement, and upon completion, a Level One certificate. All six lessons and the quizzes must be completed, and submitted in order to receive your certificate.
Level Two In-Person Class
(6-9 hours, depending on the number of participants)
Please check the calendar to see upcoming classes.
Level Three In-Person Class
(6-9 hours, depending on the number of participants)
E-mail me if you are interested in this class.